Legal Notice and Privacy Policy


The provision of MeetingLawyers' professional services necessarily entails the processing of its clients' personal data.

MeetingLawyers also needs to have your personal data for commercial communication actions regarding your contacts, when you are interested in our professional services, advice, consultations, etc.

In accordance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, and the legislation of current data protection, Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, as well as Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce MeetingLawyers informs you of the processing of personal data according to this Privacy Policy.

Identification of the Data Controller



Address: Via Augusta 200, 08021, Planta 7,  Barcelona, España

NIF: B42813345


Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Sheet B-559682 Volume 47696 Folio 153

Purpose of the collection and processing of personal data


We inform you that your personal data will be processed by MeetingLawyers, in order to be able to present you with a service proposal and manage the provision of the requested service in the event of a contract or order.

You may be sent electronic advertising about new services linked to your interest as a client or potential client, as well as information and recommendations from the different areas of law, if you authorized it at the time of collecting your data, through explicit consent or if you are or have been a client of MeetingLawyers, based on legitimate interest.

Type of personal data that will be processed


Personal data is understood to be data that identifies or makes a natural person identifiable. The data to be processed by MeetingLawyers, within the framework of the relationship with the interested party and conditional on the agreed purposes, are included in the following categories:

  • Identification and contact data: name, surname, NIF, telephone number, postal address or email.
  • Commercial information data based on the indications received.
  • Those data strictly necessary for the provision of the professional service that you have contracted with MeetingLawyers.

Collection of your personal data


For the most part, but not limited to, your data may be collected when they are provided to us via a web form, via email, with the delivery of photocopied documents or through the formalization of contracts and order forms.

Communication and destination of personal data


The data of the interested party will be communicated to MeetingLawyers, exclusively for the indicated purposes. They may also be assigned in cases where there is a legal obligation to the competent authorities and administrations, Notaries, Attorneys and Public Administrations, especially Courts and Tribunals,

Legal basis for the processing of personal data


The legal basis that legitimizes the treatments is the execution of the contract in the case of contracting or the legitimate interest in other similar professional services of MeetingLawyers, if you have been a client previously.

Your explicit consent granted to be able to personalize you and communicate the budget in case of requesting services and your explicit consent in the event that there is no previous contractual relationship.

Conservation period for your personal data


The personal data provided will be kept as long as they are necessary for the provision of contracted services, to respond to requests or requests made, and in any case as long as the deletion is not requested by the interested party, as well as for the time necessary to comply to the legal obligations that correspond in each case in accordance with each type of data and provision of services

Rights of interested parties


You may access your personal data, as well as request rectification thereof, if you consider that they are not accurate or erroneous. You can also request deletion, if they are no longer relevant for the purposes for which they were collected.

You may object to the processing of your data if, given your circumstances, you consider that the processing is not relevant or appropriate. In such case, MeetingLawyers will stop processing the data unless it is necessary to comply with legal obligations or to defend possible claims.

In certain circumstances, clients or interested parties may request the limitation of processing, so that MeetingLawyers will only use them for those purposes for which it has been authorized or in the cases provided for by Law. You may request the portability of your data and request the delivers your data in electronic format in a structured format for direct transmission to other data processors.

The interested party may exercise their rights by sending an email to the address attaching a photocopy of their DNI or document proving their identity and indicating the right they wish to exercise. He may revoke the consent given at any time and file a claim related to the processing of his personal data before the Control Authority (AEPD).